Thursday, March 10, 2011

The quest to redecorate my house

Have you guys heard of CSN? I hadn't until about a year ago and since then, I've been bookmarking things from their website like crazy! I can't believe the great selection of products they have! I could totally furnish every room in my house with things from them, including my home office. Good office desks are so hard to find, but they have quite a few to pick from and I need a new one. I love this one, what do you think?

I can't just look at furniture for my home office though, here are a few of my other favorites...

 I want a set of these tree plates! I love love LOVE them!

this magazine holder is pretty amazing

okay, this needs to be in my kitchen :)

and I'm dying to get this clock for our bedroom, isn't it awesome?!

1 comment:

Hilda Vanessa Ramos said...

I love the wall clock, that color and mix of modern and oldschool is perfect. That of the magazine holder.